
spring break

Spring break was awesome.. it didn't really make a difference to me, but everyone else got off from school.

Gwen and I ate at a the sickest skate park in the valley. She handmade those little buttercup shaped things filled with spinach and artichoke.

She also grew all this fruit in her backyard.

Went to York with Berner and Brendan to meet up with Clifford and Jarrett to set it offff. I have no idea why Berner drew this but it's hilarious.


Brendan Spohn, fakie 5-0.

Chris Berner, frontside feeble.

We tricked Berner into going to the mall.

The fish hatchery.

The fish hatchery started netting off the ponds so that birds can't eat out of them anymore, which means the increased Great Blue Heron population in the area will probably starve to death.

Real estate.


Jarrett had this long platinum angel hair attached to him.

Bubba's back!

Bubba and his shark.


Working with Commeh usually goes something like this.

We went to Nawab for the buffet, but just prior to this Gwen saw a kid at a hospital diarrhea all over the floor so it was hard for her to finish this plate of green mush for some reason.



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