

The past week or so.

We drove to this park but it wasn't open so we got spongebobs and drove home.

I went to this crazy place with V one day.

Tons of crap no one will buy.

Barn buddies.

Me and Jen went treasure hunting.

We found two rocks like looked like cats.

Me Chris and Jeron went East Coast Throwdown.

Serious shit.

The hotel was a ridiculous choice considering it was a video game tournament.

This fucking nerd brought a table.

Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3.

This guy told Jeron he was going to tear him up like the 13 year old he abducted last week.

Again.. UMK3.

Puerto Rican Balrog getting lucky against bhop. Also Spamdai.

This genius showed up and sold all of these for 5 bucks a piece. He even had more under the table.

Tuckered out.

Bhop getting 5th in his first major!

Beast come for me.

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