
Yo Califorrrrniaa

I went to Los Angeles for 10 days to visit Deven!

Saw this in the airport.

My poor board!

After a long day of boredom while it was raining and Deven was working, she made me this banging tofu scramble.

This place was amazing. Tofu/potato/tempeh bacon burrito, and some of the best fruit I've ever eaten. More on Deven's dish later.

Canyon crawlers.

The widowmaker.

I'm happy, it was just sunny out.

The Runaways went to this place!

Film back for a telescope!

Smell the trees and the nature.

We also went to Bronson canyon to check out this ditch, but there was an asian playing a cello when we showed up..

And then there were a lot more musicians hanging out using this as a "natural stage" or something. Which doesn't make sense because it's a man made ditch. I guess they were planning on using the caves but there was a commercial with bears being filmed there. Bun that.

Tara made us go to this show that had about 20 people at it and at least two shitty bands, but it was free so no biggie.

The better part of this night was hanging out in the car, driving around, drinking slurpees, and eating candy!

Melrose place.

On the way to Malibu. I didn't think nature like this existed in America.

A real starfish live in nature! Also sea urchins.


We saw a naked lady on a photoshoot here! Well I only saw her tramp stamp. I mostly was looking at the photographer's gear.


This was a commercial for the morning after pill. "It's okay to get your feet wet, just don't take a dip" should be the slogan.

Nothing better after a long day than Wall E and getting vegan chinese food delivered. Yeah, California is awesome because there's vegan chinese food restaurants that deliver.

My first day out alone while Deven worked. I skated like 10 miles from Beverly Hills all over Hollywood and then to downtown. I found this spot by chance after getting lost in some neighborhoods. I couldn't skate it though.

Mike Anderson is a retard.

After 4 hours of skating I hungered so bad, so I stopped in a korean mall for some food.

While looking for a real arcade I found the most ghetto arcade inside some bodega. It was probably more enjoyable than my trip to the real arcade.

Look at the graffiti and the worn down control panel. The "cabinet" itself was more like a large plywood box spraypainted black. It was so awesome.

Deven picked me up from the Rob Dyrdek/Carl's Jr skatepark, and then we suffered in traffic. Try to guess what spot Deven is in front of.

That's smog.

Burnrun Canyon.

The valley.

My second day out while Deven worked. This was the best falafel I've had since Berlin..

Sepulveda Dam. What Pat Rakestraw did was gnarly, but even gnarlier were the tire marks 3/4 of the way up the bank.

I had to walk through woods to get there. Instead of having squirrels and chipmunks, there were lizards. There was also sweet hangouts for teenagers or homeless people. I couldn't tell which.

Went to Family Fun Arcade. Deven almost beat some girl in Guilty Gear.

Candy Cabinet greatness.

Fuck yeah.

Street Fighter 4. The guy on the right was named Jesse. He was pretty cool, and his Chun zoned the fuck out of my Gief.

The candy cabinets were cool, but I liked the sketchiness of the Bodega better. Also I think Chinatown Fair is the better arcade because they don't have stupid console games.

My third day out alone. I thought California was going to be lame, but this was proof that it's actually cool.

We meet again...

The rail is gone..

I don't like STRESS.

Anything done on this spot is fucking gnarly. Its super tough to skate. It's more gnarly than Wilshire.

I thought the west coast wasn't supposed to have rough spots.

Yeah okay. Scott Johnston is the man.

Impressive, but not as impressive as the LA High banks.

Lafayette park suffers from cross traffic in multiple forms.

I went to check out Belmont, I could hear skating from the outside but I couldn't find where it was coming from so I walked around and up stairwells until I saw this.

I guess these kids skate here a lot and they have to prop the door open or they get locked in or something. It was pretty cool.

View from the roof.

Deven woke me up with news of a vegan brunch buffet.

This was what Deven got a few days earlier. Tofu, bread, tomato, and kale covered with hollandaise sauce. So fucking good!

Bronson canyon part two.

Coolest dad ever taking his kid up the cliff to find rocks!

Teeter tottering tourists.

On my last day out skating I called this kid Kurtis I met at the Rob Dyrdek park and he was cool enough to pick me up in the valley and bring me to Long Beach. Sickest mural ever.

This park would be a nightmare if more than 2 people showed up. Luckily only one person showed up.

We also went to Compton. Idk what those rap songs were talking about cause everyone seemed happy and peaceful to me.

The Jersey shore in Compton.

This is Kurtis. He was a cool dude, he randomly had a copy of In With The Out in his apartment, and he was fucking shredding.

The last night Tara made me look like a d bag so I could fit in at the club in Hollywood.

Rockin haircuts.

We went to a 80's/indie party in some ridiculous bar called Boardners, I didn't take my camera, but there were some definite Hollywood characters hanging out there.

After a long night we had to wake up early to sit in traffic.

Just what the doctor ordered.

Couldn't have asked for a better last meal.

Im going to miss this fat bellied kitty.

1 comment:

Brett said...

is that the Thrashin' ditch?